Answers to your questions

Here you will find our answers to some of the most common questions we get asked. If you can't find an answer to your question please don't hesitate to contact us. We are happy to help.

Getting started

All you need is an account and access to the data sources you want to connect. The setup process is simple and requires no technical expertise. Just sign up, select a data source you wish to extract data from (e.g., HubSpot or Google Ads), and follow the instructions on how to connect the data source. No coding, server configuration, or separate data warehouse setup is needed. Once your data is connected and fetched, you can begin analyzing it with your preferred BI tool, such as Tableau, Power BI, or Looker Studio.

See the full list of connectors on our data sources page. Our library of connectors is constantly expanding and we also provide custom connectors to any system.

No. QuickBI is designed to be easy to use for anyone. Help is also available for anyone needing it.

No. Every QuickBI plan includes a fully managed BigQuery data warehouse. You don’t need to know anything about data warehouses.

We are constantly building connectors to new data sources and prioritize our work based on customer requests. If you are in a hurry you can also buy a custom connector from us by contacting us.

Data connectors

Don’t worry! Reach out to our support team and let us know which data source you need. We are continually expanding our library of connectors based on customer feedback. You can also buy a custom connector from us.

No. You can select only the tables and columns you need and want to move. You can for example leave out columns that contain sensitive information.

Yes. You can select the specific time of day when you want the data fetching process to start.

Connectors marked as “assisted” require a little bit of manual work from QuickBI data engineers to get the data source connected. This won’t add any extra cost to you, but it means that you won’t instantly be able to connect the data source all by yourself. Please book a free onboarding from us or contact our support after signup and we'll get your data source connected.

Connectors marked as “enterprise” require more customer-specific custom setup from QuickBI data engineers and are only available for our Enterprise tier customers. Please contact us if you want to get an enterprise data source connected.

Connectors marked as “coming soon” are on our roadmap but not yet ready. We prioritize the development of new connectors based on customer requests. You can also buy a custom connector from us and then we will make the connector available as soon as possible.

Data tools

Don’t worry! Connecting your tool to QuickBI probably still works. See our instructions on connecting other data tools in the QuickBI application, or contact us and let us know what tool you are using. We are happy to help you!

Data warehouse

No. Every QuickBI plan includes a fully managed BigQuery data warehouse. You don’t need to know anything about data warehouses.

Customers on our enterprise tier can also use their own BigQuery data warehouse. If you want to use another data warehouse with QuickBI, please contact our support.

All our plans include a fully managed BigQuery data warehouse. Customers on our enterprise tier can also use their own BigQuery data warehouse. If you want to use another data warehouse please contact our support.

Security and privacy

Data security is the top priority of QuickBI and we are committed to ensure data security and privacy in every phase of our process. We use multiple different methods to protect the data. We use the best practices of data protection and systemically prevent the potential security threats of our service. The data has been encrypted with robust modern encryption methods (e.g. TLS, AES-256). The service infrastructure is in Google Cloud Platform (GCP), which is designed to comply with multiple international security standards, like ISO/IEC 27001. Our personal data processing complies with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union. For more information on our data protection, please contact us.

The data retrieved from the customer's data sources for their reports is saved in a customer-specific BigQuery data warehouse, which is located in Google Cloud servers in Europe. Data related to using the service, like user information, are also located in Google Cloud servers in Europe.

Yes. We are committed to protecting the privacy of our customers and ensuring that our processing of personal information is transparent and in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union.

Yes. You can select only the tables and columns you need and want to move. You can for example leave out columns that contain sensitive information.


We offer a risk-free trial experience where you can test connectors and platform features at no cost for up to 30 days.

If you need more time to evaluate or to simply pause the account and timer on your trial during your evaluation, please reach out to and we will be able to help you.

You can end your subscription any time with a one-month notice.

No. Currently all our plans include unlimited users.

No worries. You can add as many data connections as you want. After 4 data connections, each additional data connection costs 50€/month.

Definitely! QuickBI works very well for marketing agencies and other kinds of agencies that report to their customers. Just contact us through the contact page form, and we can figure a price for your specific data needs.


You can contact our customer support by chat in the bottom right corner of your screen or by email to

Need help with data or reports?

We got you covered. Our team of data engineers and BI professionals is always ready to help.

Reports and BI consultancy

We can build your whole reporting from scratch or help you get started on your BI journey.

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Custom connectors

We can build you a custom data connector if you didn’t find your data source from our existing connectors.

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Free onboarding

If you need help getting started with QuickBI or figuring out the best reporting solution for your company, don't hesitate to book a free demo from us.

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