Humm would not go back to manual data movement

Cover for Humm would not go back to manual data movement

Humm has automated its reporting with QuickBI. After making the switch from strenuous manual Excel-reporting, much more time and effort can be focused on analysing data, gaining insights and developing the core business. Read more from below or watch the video, where Humm’s team members explain how switching to QuickBI has made their job easier and more efficient.

Working with QuickBI

On the video, technology manager Kaisa Miettunen-Jokinen and business intelligence analyst Johanna Sälkiö describe what it’s like to work with QuickBI. Both are clear on one thing: there’s no chance of returning to the way they used to work.

I don’t see a scenario, where I would abandon this method.

Reporting use case

Kaisa Miettunen-Jokinen explains, that the company name Humm comes from the words “human communications”. Enabling human encounters in online environments is at the core of Humm’s business. They are created with two approaches: customer service and B2B sales.

Humm uses reporting internally as well as for its customers. The reports that are made for customers are especially important as a tool to highlight the value created by Humm, says Miettunen-Jokinen. “Reporting is used to justify the need for our services to our clients”

Getting data automatically to a data warehouse for analysis with a BI tool

Intercom, a customer service platform, is one of the most important systems used by Humm. BI analyst Johanna Sälkiö describes the change regarding the processing of Intercom data: “Before, reporting was done by manually retrieving numbers and values to Excel. We wanted to automate this laborious step, so we wouldn’t have to spend time on retrieving data and building reports, and so that we could actually focus on analysing the data instead.”

Now QuickBI first retrieves data from Intercom to a data warehouse, from which the data can be transferred to a BI tool for processing and analysis. Humm’s BI tool is Tableau, where the data from QuickBI’s data warehouse can be quickly turned into versatile reports with diverse visualizations to match the reporting needs.

“QuickBI has allowed us to start making reports automatically. With that, we can use our time more productively on analysing data and developing our services.”

Miettunen-Jokinen reveals that Humm reports to customers about countless different variables from Intercom, including the number of customer service chat conversations, the number of views in help center articles, the average duration of phone calls, etc. Therefore, automating reporting has had a significant impact.

Saved time can now be used on developing the service

Internally, Humm utilises data for the development of its own business. It’s a continuous effort to develop processes and services. Internal data is constantly analysed for efficient allocation of resources: with clear and reliable reports, it’s easy to track the amounts of work required for the production of different services.

Sälkiö says she’s very satisfied with the solution that Humm chose: “It’s very easy to work with QuickBI. I can ask for support any time and get help very quickly.”

The change in reporting culture has delighted Humm’s technology manager as well. “There’s no way I want to go back to the world where we retrieve and move data manually. I want to keep the modern and rational method we now have.”

Build better reports

Start moving data with QuickBI

  • 300+ data sources
  • Analyze with any data tool
  • Quick and easy setup